Dear Members of StepBridge Australia,
Attached is the balance sheet and the profit and loss for the full year ended June 2021, and the Auditor’s Report (Limited) carried out by Mr. Craig Trewartha (FIPA)
For the Auditor to complete the report our Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Statement for the full year, they were confirmed by our President, Secretary and Treasurer in writing that the amounts are a true and correct record as of 30 June 2021
Our total ANZ Bank Balance (2 accounts) is showing a Balance of $240,557.46 as of June 30, 2021. This is in place to keep track of Members payments being unearned income and our working account for all payments for GST, Licence fees, TD Fees and Administration costs.
The strong Yearly income of $381,118, due to games played and a significant gain in membership, has resulted in a Yearly profit of $59,845. This is a great achievement when compared to the $28,066 total retained earnings of all the previous year’s StepBridge has traded. The club remains in a healthy position to move forward.
Stephen Pringle
Treasurer, StepBridge Australia