How the Virtual Club works

The first step is to complete the Registration Form on behalf of your club.

StepBridge Australia will then contact you by email initially, but by phone after that, to establish further details including:

  • Whether you will charge for your sessions in which case StepBridge will need your Club bank details in order to pay you session fees less 10c per player, per tournament, to cover StepBridge  administrative costs.
  • Whether you want to allocate Masterpoints to your members. 

After the above details are obtained:

  • Your club’s account will be set up and you will be given access to it.
  • You complete other details to fill the roles of Club Contact, Club Planner and Club Tournament Director (see the Club Administration Guide).
  • You will also be able to enter details of members of your Virtual Club once they have joined StepBridge; this can be maintained and updated on an ongoing basis.
  • The Club Planner will then be able to schedule as many tournaments as and when required.
  • The tournaments are then run by your designated Club Tournament Director, following the Club TD Guide.  Training will be provided as required.
  • If you are awarding Masterpoints, at the end of each month the Masterpoint file will be emailed to your Club Contact for uploading to the ABF Masterpoint Centre website.
  • A payment for all paid player tournaments will be deposited into your club bank account monthly and a statement will be sent via email.