Mail Template

Dear %fullnameandusername%,

Please find here the link to the July 2024 edition of the StepBridge Newsletter:

A reminder that our next Congress is Saturday 3 August [Swiss Butler IMP Pairs (Open, Restricted & Novice)] and Sunday 4 August [Swiss Teams (Open & Restricted)].
Start time: 10am (ACT, NSW, QLD, TAS & VIC), 9.30am (NT & SA), 8am (WA)
Approx. finish time: 4.30pm (ACT, NSW, QLD, TAS & VIC), 4pm (NT & SA), 2.30pm (WA)
Entries close on Thursday 1 August, 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
Great Cash Prizes!
Cost: 400 Participation Points per person per day
Entry Link & List:

For those who do not wish to play in the Congress, the only regular sessions on 3 & 4 August will be the 1pm Open session and 8pm Open session. No other day time sessions, including the Sunday 2.30pm Audio Video session, will be offered on 3 & 4 August.

StepBridge Australia

##SUBJECT=StepBridge July Newsletter and 3-4 August Congress Reminder##